Monday, May 11, 2015

Bird Watching

This spring we've had a lot of different birds coming into our yard, and I've
enjoyed watching them and identifying as many as I can. Yesterday I spotted 
this one, a Baltimore Oriole, in our front yard.
Here is a picture I found online of what it looks like up close. Isn't it a beautiful bird? 
Interestingly, although they eat other things as well, these birds actually drink nectar 
like hummingbirds, and will come to feeders with sugar water. Their bills are larger
 than a hummingbirds, so there are feeders made specifically for orioles. I might just
have to buy one sometime!

 I also checked up on the robin's nest that I posted about awhile back, 
and found that the eggs have hatched, and the baby birds have grown 
quite a bit! :) 

Have you had many birds around your place this spring? 

1 comment:

A Heart of Praise said...

I love Orioles! They are such bright beautiful birds! I had almost forgotten that we used to see them when we lived in Loreburn. I'm pretty sure the kind we had were Orchard Orioles. They would always come to the big bush in front of the living room window. :)

It's always so much fun seeing different kinds of birds in the yard! I took a short walk with the kids to look for birds nest again today, We didn't find any, but there was a big dead hawk in a tree. I don't know what killed it, but it sure was neat to see; the talons on it were huge!

That's neat the robins have hatched! :):)