Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A break, and a goodbye

 I just wanted to do a quick post letting everyone who reads my blog that I will be taking a break from blogging...I'm not really sure for how long. I just feel a need to step away from it at this time. I thank each one of my readers who through the years have been regular readers and leaving me many kind, encouraging comments...they have each meant a lot to me! I hope this is just a season for me, and that I might return someday in the future, but for now in this time of my life it seems best for me to put it aside. Thank you all for the blessing you've been.  


A Joyful Heart said...

I hope you have a good break, and hopefully return before long! Blogging is nice, but I understand what it's like to need a break. Would enjoy seeing more posts on gardening and growing your flowers hopefully in the spring, you do a really good job with it. :)

Anonymous said...

I will miss you. I found you just recently through Sister in the Midwest and am slowly reading though all your posts - some with a smile and some with a tear. So much inspiration on your blog. Thank you for taking the time to post.

You and your family have been added to my prayer list.

Annieh (a grandmother in eastern Canada)