Friday, January 15, 2016




“Joy cometh in the morning”,
His wondrous Word I hear:
No more I’ll feel sin’s dread and pain;
He’ll wipe away each tear.

“Joy”! In that yon daybreak,
Eternal bright and fair!
At last I’ll see my Saviour,
And peace forever share.

The Blood--so precious here below--
I’ll learn more fully there,
How much to Him I fully owe
My life, my love, my praise!

Forgiveness now, that feels so sweet
Ten thousand-fold shall be,
When Christ my Saviour I shall see,
Who gave His life for me.

How I shall join in that sweet song
None other one can sing,
But those whose sins have been forgiv’n:
Redeemed, redeemed, redeemed!

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